Sprint 1 Retrospective

https://gitlab.com/LibreFoodPantry/client-solutions/theas-pantry/inventorysystem/backend/-/issues/40: The documentation of the project needed to be updated for the Backend

https://gitlab.com/LibreFoodPantry/client-solutions/theas-pantry/inventorysystem/backend/-/issues/41: The directory structure was outdated and needed to be revised for the Backend

https://gitlab.com/LibreFoodPantry/client-solutions/theas-pantry/inventorysystem/backend/-/issues/42: The dev containers needed to be updated to reflect new settings and extensions for the Backend

https://gitlab.com/LibreFoodPantry/client-solutions/theas-pantry/inventorysystem/backend/-/issues/43: The pipeline files needed to be adjusted to reflect new standard for the Backend

https://gitlab.com/LibreFoodPantry/client-solutions/theas-pantry/inventorysystem/addinventoryfrontend/-/issues/11: he dev containers needed to be updated to reflect new settings and extensions for the AddInventoryFrontend

Our team worked very well together. We were always in communication on when we needed help and what work we accomplished. The standup meetings were efficient which allowed us to jump straight into the work for the class. Whenever someone needed help with an issue, there was at least one team member available to help out and solve the issue. The way the epics were divided allowed everyone to pick a project that they were comfortable working in, and helping each other out allowed people to delve into different project types.

While everyone was working in a project they felt comfortable in, the way we structured the work didn’t allow us to really experience different project types. I focused on the backend for the entire sprint, so I did not gain much experience in working within any of the front ends or the API. This caused issues when someone asked for help, we didn’t necessarily have all of the answers to help them.

Overall, the team accomplished a lot during the sprint. We completed all of our work before the sprint ended, which gave us time to fix a few major issues we ran into completing the last few issues. For the next sprint, we should focus on spreading out the work through the different projects so that one person doesn’t just work with one project type. The whole team should be experiencing the different projects so that when an individual, even if they are not from our team, should be able to respond and help with the issue. This will also help for future careers, as when we get jobs in the real world we can say that we have experience working in all different types of environments. The different projects also contain different languages which will help with development.

Personally, I put a lot of effort towards my team and towards our work. Next sprint, I should consider spending more time at home doing work so that more of the epic can be completed. I was available most times to respond to my teammates and any other individuals who needed help, but my out of class time could have been spent better working on my own issues and completing them. Now that I am the scrum master for this sprint, I can work on my leadership skills as I did not really show them and use them effectively last sprint. Overall I feel I did well for the sprint, and I learned a lot to be able to enhance this current sprint.

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